The Single Most Important Thing 90% of Consumer Law Firms Are Missing

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90-percent-of-bankruptcy-law-firm-websites-are-missing-this-vital-elementI’ve personally viewed over a thousand consumer law firm websites across the US. Ninety percent of these firms lack one element that literally makes-or-breaks them from the viewpoint of being chosen by new clients.

It’s a simple section on their site titled “Why Choose Us” (or “Why Hire Us”).

When a potential client visits your law firm site, he or she is trying to answer this very question. If you don’t spell it out for them on your site, the prospect has to wade through the rest of your content to try to figure out the answers for themselves. (Hint: They won’t spend the time to do this, and typically wouldn’t be able to figure out a good answer to the question even if they did spend the time on your site.)

Instead, they’ll move on to view your competitors’ sites — looking for some good reasons to choose a firm (or several) to call.

What to Say, What Not to Say

You don’t need to fill your law firm website with generic info about bankruptcy, probate, or whatever area of law you practice. That information is all over the web — and using that content to fill your site pages will not help any potential client to choose your firm over your competitors. From a prospect’s point of view, you all can do the job. And you all know the law.

But what is it about you and your firm that is preferable to the other firms they may be considering to hire? What makes you different? Why should they choose you?

That’s what they want to see on your website. Up front. Without hunting to find it. Not buried three pages down in the site, or a footnote at the bottom in six point type.

It’s the key to getting chosen by prospects.

What Makes Your Firm Different?

When you tell prospects on your website Why Choose Us, dig deep and figure out what really makes your firm different. Here are the typical line-items on most consumer law firm websites that firms say about them selves in a Why Choose Us section:

– Personal attention
– Experience and knowledge
– We’re determined and tireless
– We offer a broad range of services
– We provide efficient, effective representation

These are all nice, but if everyone is saying the same thing (which they usually are), then these are truly not differentiating reasons to choose you. 

Instead, use reasons such as (that apply to your firm, of course):

– 4 convenient locations with free parking
– Phone or video consultations available – no office visits needed

– Easy payment plans for attorney fees
– Free initial consultations

If your firm can assess truly unique reasons why a prospect would be better off hiring your firm rather than one of your competitors — and can communicate that clearly and up front on your web site — you will quickly grow the number of cases your firm handles by converting more of your website visitors into actual clients.




LeadQ develops campaigns that position a law firm as the preferred choice of internet searchers within their local competitive environment. We charge only for the qualified inquiries that our campaign generates to the firm.

Author: Jim Rauch

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